Happy New Year 2022

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Happy New Year

Welcome to 2022 and the launch of our new monthly newsletter for those who are interested in cemeteries or to those who can’t get enough of cemeteries. As we move forward into 2022, we will be changing or modifying the Newsletter as needed.

Below you will find a YouTube Video on the National Cemetery, Beechwood and how it was created and managed. As well you will find an article from Veterans Affair Canada about the maintenence of the Headstones. Along with these two items you will find other images and information like the Tech Update for the Website.

With a new year upon us, we look at our organization and say “Well done over 2021” with all the Tech Changes and New Submissions to the Database. Going forward we would like to further develop a place to store Family History Information about Headstones and we are working on new storage location for the thousands of photos we have. Digital Storage is expensive and limited and we need to keep an eye on these costs and storage availability.

In closing, we hope this newsletter continues to peak your interest in Cemeteries across Canada. If you would like to submit something for the newsletter, email us at [email protected] Please feel free to share this newsletter and don’t hesitate if you have photos to submit them to the database. If you don’t have photos but wish to help, we have lots for you. Thanks to those who are submitting photos and transcriptions.

Till next month
Steve Fulton, UE
President  Director

Marching Soldiers - YouTube Link
Marching Soldiers – YouTube Link

Did You Know? – The Story of Beechwood Cemetery

Beechwood Cemetery is the National Cemetery of Canada. It’s the final resting place of over 75, 000 Canadians, including prime ministers, soldiers and members of the public who have helped shape our country. Inaugurated in 1873, over the years, Beechwood Cemetery has evolved into an important part of national heritage, preserving Canada’s history and identity. Puneet Birgi brings us more on the history of this National Historic Site.

Donate Now through CanadaHelps.org
Donate Now through CanadaHelps.org

Grave Marker Maintenance

Veterans Affairs Canada

We honour Canada’s fallen and preserve their legacy. One way we do this is by maintaining their gravesites and grave markers, at home and abroad.

To Learn More Click Here

Metcalfe Headstone - Inscription: In Loving Memory E. Pearl Pearson METCALFE 1970-1985
Metcalfe Headstone – Inscription: In Loving Memory E. Pearl Pearson METCALFE 1970-1985
Some of the New Headstones Photos being entered into the Database this month by our amazing volunteers.


the only site dedicated to the digital preservation of Canada’s cemetery heritage

always free, no subscription

– a registered Canadian Charity

not owned by a for-profit corporation as some are

not just photos – full transcriptions too, accessible to the vision impaired

all data stored on servers in Canada!

Tech Update on Website

  1. Updated all Cemetery Details Reports to include links to Ontario Ancestors Branches Websites
  2. Working on Storage alternative for Photos and Backup
  3. Submitting all Updated Records to Ancestry, FamilySearch, MyHeritage and Findmypast
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