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We are a 100% Volunteer-Staffed Canadian charity registered under the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act. We are dedicated to the digital preservation of Canada’s cemetery heritage, honouring and preserving the record of our forebears. Unlike some other sites, we record both the images and the transcriptions of these fading records. Our records are all hosted and stored exclusively in Canada.

Our mission is to capture images and the complete transcription of the headstones of our Canadian ancestors. With each passing day it becomes more difficult to read the original inscriptions, and one-by-one the grave markers of our Canadian ancestors become illegible, damaged or destroyed forever. By archiving the images and the full transcriptions, we can help save these important, information-rich records. Success of this non-profit project depends completely upon the activities of volunteers who contribute to the archive.


CanadianHeadstones receives no corporate or government funding. We thank you for your continuing support to the only totally non-profit headstone site dedicated exclusively to the digital preservation of Canada’s grave marker heritage.



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