March 2022 Update

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A Video Message from CanadianHeadstones.

Famous Grave Tour: CALGARY

Welcome to Calgary Graveyard. We are celebrating and honouring remarkable people whose final resting places are located in Southern Alberta. In this episode we are visiting Eden Brook Memorial Gardens, Queens Park Cemetery & Mausoleum, Highwood Cemetery, Mountain View Memorial Gardens, and Union Cemetery. We are remembering Stu Hart, Owen Hart, Everett “The Virginian” Johnson, W.O. Mitchell, Glen Gorbous, and Grant MacEwen.

Ottawa Region Cemeteries

Thanks to the great work of Cliff Seibel, Ottawa Branch Cemeteries Coordinator, we proudly present an interactive map of cemeteries in eastern Ontario. You may need to click on the Map Legend (top left of map) and select the county/counties of interest.

Ukrainian Canadians fight to save a forgotten cemetery in Quebec’s Abitibi region

Read more here:

CanadianHeadstones Board Members

Interested in Cemeteries and are passionate in the perservation of them? We are looking for a few people to serve within the Board. Depending on your involvement, time requirements are a couple of hours a month.

A couple of positions we are looking to fill is a Secretary and a Vice President to the Board.

Let’s have a conversation and see where you could fit in. Email [email protected]

Examples of Photos submitted in February

Submitters Required

Don’t have any photos to submit? We have lots of photos that need to be submitted to the wqebsite. Send an email if interested in helping:  [email protected]


– the only site dedicated to the digital preservation of Canada’s cemetery heritage

– always free, no subscription

– a registered Canadian Charity

– not owned by a for-profit corporation as some are

– not just photos – full transcriptions, accessible to the vision impaired

– all data stored on servers in Canada




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