February 2022 Update

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Well a few days late is better than not sending this newsletter out at all. I would like to apoligize for the lateness of this newsletter as my family and I have been moving in a way (more like expanding within the house). Anyways, thanks for your continued support of CanadianHeadstones.com.

This month we would like to share with you a couple of stories about cemeteries. One being in Saskatoon and the other in Northern Ontario. We have so much to learn from these cemeteries and unfortunately one of them is in poor condition.

We are also looking for submitters, Board Members and even ideas to make CanadianHeadstones the best site it can be. We recently recieved an email asking if we allow Virtual Cemeteries. Now we know this mean other things on other cemetery sites but how do we allow those who spread the ashes of their loved ones in other places beside cemeteries to record this information. Rest assured we are working on this and it should be available shortly.

Finally, we would like to share with you about a link on the cemetery record when you “Click Here” on the database – This link is for the Local Genealogy Branch in the area. Currently this is only setup for Ontario with the Ontario Ancestors Branches. If your organization would like to be linked (The More the Merrier and it is Free), please email [email protected]. See the following link and scroll down for an example:  https://canadianheadstones.ca/wp/headstone-vendor/?wpda_search_column_idperson=20031 – A term we use for this is cross linking – This allows those who are new to the study of Family History to discover other websites they would not normally find as they start out. Join us to promote your group.

As always, thanks for your support.

Till next month
Steve Fulton, UE

Visit CanadianHeadstone.com Website

Learning About Saskatoon’s Early History Through Headstones

Saskatoon’s Pioneer Cemetery was the first place where residents were interred in their final resting place. The area contains the remains of some of the founding members of the city. Their headstones help tell the early history of the founding of Saskatoon and what life and death were like for residents in the late 1800’s.

Romeo and the ghost town. A cemetery story (8 photos)

A wonderful story about a cemetery in the back bush.
North of Sault Ste. Marie and West of Timmins.https://www.baytoday.ca/local-news/romeo-and-the-ghost-town-a-cemetery-story-8-photos-3636861

Climbing a Family Tree

Discovery of a New Online Resource – CanadianHeadstones.com
Marian B. Wood explains her interaction with the Website.


Examples of Photos submitted in February

Submitters Required

Don’t have any photos to submit? We have lots of photos that need to be submitted to the wqebsite. Send an email if interested in helping:  [email protected]


– the only site dedicated to the digital preservation of Canada’s cemetery heritage

– always free, no subscription

– a registered Canadian Charity

– not owned by a for-profit corporation as some are

– not just photos – full transcriptions, accessible to the vision impaired

– all data stored on servers in Canada

Tech Update on Website

Been a quiet month for Tech Updates on the Website. Looking at a few options and ideas but if you have any suggestions that you believe would be a benefit to others please share them with us.

CanadianHeadstones Board Members

Interested in Cemeteries and are passionate in the perservation of them? We are looking for a few people to serve within the Board. Depending on your involvement, time requirements are a couple of hours a month.

A couple of positions we are looking to fill is a Secretary and a Vice President to the Board.

Let’s have a conversation and see where you could fit in. Email [email protected]