February Update

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The Updates:

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  1. Continuing to develop the website to be completely WordPress to give us options within the website and make it easier to manage.
  2. We have a new user registration system for the website, please renew your membership.
  3. Resolve the Broken Links within Ancestry.ca for the CH Database. Other Vendors, we are working with to update their records as well.
  4. We now can manage the current data we have in the database for Errors and Repairs using the WP Data Access Plugin. Please submit all corrections and updates to [email protected]
  5. We are developing a new Headstone submission system and we are pleased to say we are 90% completed.

A concern of missing records has been resolved as we Added the Province Field to 200,000 records and we are in the process of making sure all missing pictures are available.

Finally, we are experiencing an issue with pictures that appear and then disappear on Safari, please switch to Google Chrome until we can sort this issue out.

Thanks and if any concerns or questions, please email: [email protected]

CanadianHeadstones.com Team

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