September Updates – “Change Log”

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September Updates:

  1. Automatic counting of Photos, Headstones and Persons are now available under the Cemetery Search List. This allows the researcher real-time information if additional material is being added to a certain cemetery or not. This count is happen every hour.
  2. Submissions are now going “LIVE” to the website minus the photo. The photo coninue to be uploaded manually each morning until we can automate this process as well.
  3. Our Families – This website continues to be developed to add additional family history details to records. We hope to release this in the early part of September.
  4. Modified the Headstone submission process to store the cemetery information for the submitter. This makes the process of headstone submission quicker.
  5. Developing a tool which allows a user to upload Headstone Photos for storage. This would allow others to transcribe these photos or the user to come back to complete them.
  6. Changed our backup software and routines to more securely ensure the ability to recover the website and all data in the event of website failure for any reason
  7. Continued updates and modifications to support our users and submitters.

So far in 2021, we have added 12,624 Persons and 5,618 Headstones!! Remember, if you don’t have photos to submit, we have lots that require transcribing that others are submitting. Please Volunteer, we will always be free.

We wish to recognize and thank those who have donated to Your continued support to the only totally non-profit headstone site dedicated exclusively to the digital preservation of Canada’s grave marker heritage.

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