It has been sometime since we have had an update on the Website and the status of it. We hope that this is the beginning of many updates going forward.
Welcome to the new site of, it has a different feel and look but kind of looks the same in a sense. We are developing the site using WordPress as the platform which has many options we would like to take advantage of going forward. From ease of use to developing a system for submissions, we are hoping this system will move the website forward.
So the Updates:
- Moved close to 800,000 images and 1.9 million persons to a new website server – 99% Completed
- Develop a Hybrid type of website, WordPress & HTML to give us options within the website – 99% Completed.
- Develop a user registration system in the new site. 100% Completed
- Resolve the Broken Links within for the CH Database. 100% Resolved.
- Update the Public and Users of the website. – This is what we are doing now.
- Create a Blog on the WordPress Site for News and Updates – Ongoing.
- Develop the Database within WordPress to better manage the Database for Errors and Repairs using the WP Data Access Plugin. – Ongoing
- Develop a submission system using WordPress.
- Develop new ideas and opportunities for users.
So, there is were we are at this point. Stay tuned to the website for further updates and changes to the system. We hope that we can continue to serve the Family History community going forward.
The Team
Become a CanadianHeadstones Supporting Member!
Contribute $5, $10, $25, $100 or more via PayPal (charitable donation receipts are not issued) or by (Canadian charitable donation receipts ARE issued) and be recognized as a Supporting Member of You will be recognized on our Supporting Member Honour Roll below (unless you request not to be included) as a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze Supporting Member.
Is this replaceing Find-a -grave
No it is not. This is another system that is more accurate than Find a Grave.
Dorothy Kew
Hi Steve:
GReat to finally have news about Canadian Headstones. Do you have any idea when we can once again submit photos to the site? Will there still be the idea of trusted users, etc.? I’m looking forward to seeing the site once again completely operational.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year!
Thanks Dorothy. We are now full steam ahead to building the submission section of the website. Had to get other items resolved first.
We will keep everyone updated as we move forward. In concern to trusted users, that system is now in place and i would suggest you register on the website.
Steve Fulton, UE
Will this be a free site or will we have to pay to see it.
This site will always remain free
Art French
Good morning;
Unless there’s a gremlin in my computer, I no longer can see the headstone image. Despite the setbacks of recent years, I still can find items on the web site. Hope you get back to receiving submissions soon. 2-3 years is a long wait and my arthritic bones don’t wait.
Art French
Art, are you using the Safari browser by any chance?
Art French
Good morning;
I use Google Chrome and have since its inception. The disappearance of photos began in late 2020, still not available. Perhaps the virus has influenced the internet.
Art F
Gayle Timmons
So glad to see C.H. is back. Dismayed that for over 2 years submitters had no clue about what was happening; no updates, no contact from administrators, no assistance or guidance from Ancestry when they were advised about broken links, etc.
Steve Fulton, UE
So are we! Thanks
Monique MacDonald
Glad to hear there is progress to revive this, I contributed a large of amount of images and would be happy to continue.